- Log on to your PSC controller using the root account.
- Run "Shell.set"
- Run "shell "
- Run the command "df -h" and you should get an output like the one below.
So now you can see "/storage/log" is using "vmdk5" so now I can go and modify the disk size of "vmdk5"
- Hop back to the SSH session you have to the PSC, run the following command "cd /usr/lib/applmgmt/support/scripts/"
- Now run command to increase the disk space "./lvm_cfg.sh storage lvm autogrow" and if you are successful you will see a message "Command executed successfully"
- Run df -h and now you should see the mount point "storage/log" space increased
Here is the official article from VMware KB2126276
Thank you for this tutorial. I tried it out on VCSA 6.5 U2 and the only difference I found was the name of the script. It is now named "autogrow.sh"
ReplyDelete./autogrow.sh storage lvm autogrow